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About us


Recruitment is done on the following bases:

On these elements we establish a contract of employment.
Before leaving for the mission, the temporary worker selects and signs his employment contract. This contract is subject to obtaining a certificate from Occupational Medicine as well as a certificate of knowledge of the security requirements of the position he will occupy. The average time between signing the contract and the arrival of staff is 2 to 3 weeks.

Each worker will have private complementary medical insurance.

After signing the contract for the provision of staff with our client, we organize the arrival of our temporary worker at the workplace. He will arrive as soon as possible.

This activity is governed by legislation related to temporary work (art L1251-1 to L1251-64 of the labor code), to the temporary posting of an employee by a company not established in France (art L1261-1 to L1263-2) and secondment procedures (art R1261-1 to R1264-3).

Even if posted workers are employed by the company which posts them and is therefore subject to the legislation of the home Member State, they enjoy a number of rights specific to the host Member State:


  • Minimum wage

  • Maximum working hours

  • Paid vacation

  • Minimum weekly and daily rest

  • Health, safety and hygiene at work


For the temporary work agency, it is compulsory to have an operating authorization as a temporary work agent issued by the Ministry of Labor, a representative in France and a bank guarantee. Obligation also to make a declaration of posting to the labor inspectorate for each new posting. Everything is fast, simple and transparent.

The directive concerning the posting of workers adopted in 1996 by the European Commission considers as posted worker an employee sent by his employer to another member state of the European Union in order to provide a temporary service there. The French labor code considers that posting can be used in three cases, which are:


  • The transnational posting of workers by an employer established outside France in the framework of the performance of an international service or an operation on its own account

  • The transnational posting of workers between establishment of the same company or companies of the same group

  • Posting of the worker for his own account

  • The transnational posting of workers by a company carrying out a temporary work activity established outside of France.

This is the fourth scenario that frames Brinsintemporal's activity. It allows us to put our skills as well as our pool of voluntary and hardworking staff, for the benefit of companies needing manpower to perform different temporary assignments.

The posting principle therefore consists in facilitating the free movement of workers within the European Union, while maintaining a strict legal framework aimed at limiting abuses. Interim, CDD, CDI… Selection, hiring, secondment of PORTUGUESE temporary workers in France is our specialty. We also help companies wishing to hire PORTUGUESE CDD or CDI specialists. This is our job.


Our team

Biculturalism is the essence of our team. Our team is bicultural, it brings together Portuguese and French, as well as Franco - Portuguese, all with many years of experience in different personnel recruitment companies.
Our consultants, assisted by our French-speaking representatives, monitor assignments and seconded employees.
Customer support is provided by our French staff who make up our team.

Our values

Our principles are rewarded. We carry out a socially responsible corporate policy. Every day we apply these principles in an even more effective way. Our project "Secure work abroad".


A detailed and optimal response within 24 hours to your request via our "CANDIDATE" or "COMPANY" section

Tailor-made solutions for your recruiting needs in numbers according to construction sites or seasons.

An in-depth analysis of your needs, for results adjusted to the best quality / price of the service provided.

Insurance for you of a replacement in the event of an unsatisfactory profile or the departure of a temporary worker, at no additional cost.

The guarantee of your complete satisfaction, thanks to listening, understanding, continuity and loyalty throughout the service and well beyond. The same goes for our temporary workers, we support and help them throughout their mission.

To establish trusting relationships with our customers, we adopt principles of honesty and transparency in our business relationships. Respect is a primordial value that we implement both with our customers and with our internal or temporary collaborators.

Equal rights and treatment: our employees benefit from equal treatment with regard to remuneration, hours of work, overtime, holidays, public holidays, etc. We are committed to hiring them under the same salary conditions as your permanent employees, while respecting the remuneration grid and the collective agreement in your sector.
The posted worker is employed and remunerated by the temporary agency. It is she who draws up the employment contract and pays social security contributions. While respecting the labor legislation in France (minimum wage, legal duration, working conditions ...), the temporary worker depends on the tax and social law of his country of origin.

Our business philosophy

In our commercial activity, the priority is to behave according to the moral values ​​of BRISINTEMPORAL.

We are responsible, which for us means reliability and honesty. Our candidates and our employees can always count on our commitment and our will to help them. This is especially important for the people we send to work at
the stranger. Above all, we take care of their safety and guarantee them a verified and good job.
conditions during their stay abroad.

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